Entergy Independence Plant Donates to WRHS Foundation Crisis Fund
Entergy Independence Plant Donates to WRHS Foundation Crisis Fund

Entergy Independence Plant recently donated to the White River Health (WRHS) Foundation Crisis Fund. The fund is designed to provide assistance for the medical community as needs continue to be identified during the COVID-19 crisis. Previous funds have been used to provide meals for front-line employees and for the purchase of necessary medical supplies. Pictured from Left to right (back row) is Ashley Snedker, Sr. Administrative Assistant; Todd Nichols, Sr. Production Superintendent; Erin Price, Supervisor, Planner/Scheduler; Craig Brown, Sr. Maintenance Planner; Roy Branscum, Sr. Maintenance Planner; Todd Bradberry, Plant Manager; (front row) Sheila Mace, WRHS Public Relations Coordinator; Michele Wood, Executive Director of WRHS Marketing & Foundation; Annie Solis, WRHS Marketing & Foundation Supervisor; and Tiffany Henson, Chemist and Environmental Tech. If you or your organization would like to make a donation, please contact Michele Wood at (870) 262-6033 or mwood@wrmc.com.