The Children's Clinic Reading Program
The Children's Clinic Reading Program

The Children’s Clinic encouraged patients to read during their first summer reading program. Patients of all ages were asked to keep a reading log starting in June through mid-August. Infants and toddlers were encouraged to participate by reading along with family members. Each child that participated and met their reading goal were given a new book. Each reader was entered to win a Kindle Fire courtesy of the clinic. Keira Terrell, age 4 (front), pictured with (from left to right) Tyler Sandlin, APRN; Dr. Melody Moody; Dr. Gwenevere White; and Gena Powers, APRN, was the winner of the drawing. The Children’s clinic is located at 1700 Harrison Street, Suite N, in Batesville. To schedule an appointment, call (870) 262-2200.