Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | Inspire Therapy

Home | Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment | Inspire Therapy

How InspireTM Therapy Works

Inspire TherapyTM is the only FDA-approved OSA treatment that works comfortably inside the body. 

  • During sleep, the airway muscles and tongue relax. For people with OSA, the tongue relaxes into a postition that blocks the aireway.
  • When the airway is blocked the brain gets less oxygen, triggering a person to wake up to take a breath. This cycle happens repeatedly, preventing quality sleep.
  • The InspireTM implant delivers gentle pulses that move the tongue out of the way each time a person takes a breath, keeping the airway open during sleep. No mask or hose required.

Is InspireTM Right for You

Patients who meet the following criteria may qualify for InspireTM therapy. 

  • Over the age of 18
  • Diagnosed with moderate to severe OSA
  • Unable to use or benefit from use of CPAP
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 40 (Insurance carriers may have different BMI requirements)

Get Started

The first step is to schedule a consulation with our team. Call (870) 568-1236. We'll discuss your current therapy, provide details on InspireTM , and answer your questions.